- Balance Lenses - Balance Lenses are ½ price.
- Doctor's Error - Are ½ price within 45 days. Original Invoice # and date required.
- Postage - $1.40 will be added to each invoice to cover shipping charges.
- Discount - To receive your volume discount, payment must be received by the 10th of each month.
- Non-Adapt - If patient cannot adapt to progressives within 45 days, we will replace them with more suitable lenses.
- Executives - We will give distance PD's on all executives unless otherwise specified.
- Prism Thinning - Will be applied on progressives and executives unless otherwise specified.
- Frame to Come - When calling in or faxing in an RX with the frame to come later, please put the name of your business, the patient's name and the invoice #. Please do not send another invoice with the frame or this could cause us to start 2 sets of lenses.
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Shipping Packaging, Handling & Insurance: You will be charged $1.40 on each RX to cover packaging, handling and insurance.
Terms Our terms are net 30 days: In order to receive your volume discount your envelope must be postmarked by the 10th of the month. Accounts with past due balances will be placed on credit hold until payment is received.
We Honor: Company check, money order or credit cards. 
Returned Checks: You will be assessed a service charge of $25.00 if your check is returned by the bank for any reason.
- All our frames and lenses carry a one year warranty.
- Ask about our "Signs of the Time" program. In most cases we can supply a frame and lenses in the same day you call it in.
- We are a V.S.P. Contract Laboratory